31 julio 2013

«God is the infinite Virginity» | The Work of the Church. Year of Faith

via The Work of the Church. Year of Faith

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«God is the infinite Virginity»

The present writing is a very timely one and very deep in its theological contents, with some traits that unfold an authentic novelty as regards this issue: Virginity transcendent and consubstantial is the source of life-giving fruitfulness in the Trinitarian life, in Christ, in the Virgin, in the Church, and in every soul that, seized by God, desires Him alone and seeks such a great dimension of spiritual fruitfulness. The greater the virginity, the greater the fruit of divine life in souls, and the greater glory for God.

The knowledge of God dispels the meanness of a mediocre or weakened life due to human calculations.


Read the full post here: http://workofthechurch.org/zonae/2013/07/god-is-the-infinite-virginity/

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July 31, 2013 at 02:41AM

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